OCR API is now Convert API

Convert API for STEM

Image & PDF digitizing software for STEM companies. Make creating and searching STEM content easy for your end users.

Battle-tested with deep functionality, including math equations, chemical diagrams, tables, and full PDF document conversion.

Compatible with industry standards like PDFs, LaTeX, Asciimath, MathML, Markdown, HTML, and SMILES (for chemistry).

Example API request
Example API request

The most trusted, innovative, and limit-pushing OCR provider for STEM


Low latency

We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible for image recognition while maintaining extremely low latencies.


Industry leader

Due to our exceptional accuracy and constant innovation, we are the most trusted brand for OCR among leaders in online math education.


Battle-tested reliability

We process over 10 million images every day. Our system is battle tested and reliable with 99.9%+ uptime.

Our API capabilities

Convert API is the industry leading computer vision solution for all things STEM. We excel at processing documents that are technical in nature and contain structured data.

All Convert API endpoints

  • v3/text

    Process an image

    This is our most widely used endpoint. You can use this endpoint to OCR individual images of handwritten and printed equations, handwritten and printed text, tables, and diagrams to get digital formats like LaTeX, Asciimath, and MathML.

    Developer Docs
  • Process an image using the v3/text API endpoint
  • v3/pdf

    Process a PDF

    Use this endpoint to process multiple images in a single POST request. The request will return a batch ID which is queried with a GET request once an appropriate amount of time has passed for the images to process. You should only use the batch endpoint if your workflow is not latency sensitive.

    Developer Docs
  • Process an image using the v3/text API endpoint
  • v3/strokes

    Process strokes (digital ink)

    Use this endpoint to process multiple images in a single POST request. The request will return a batch ID which is queried with a GET request once an appropriate amount of time has passed for the images to process. You should only use the batch endpoint if your workflow is not latency sensitive.

    Developer Docs
  • v3/batch

    Process a batch of images

    Use this endpoint to process multiple images in a single POST request. The request will return a batch ID which is queried with a GET request once an appropriate amount of time has passed for the images to process. You should only use the batch endpoint if your workflow is not latency sensitive.

    Developer Docs
  • Process a batch of images using the v3/batch endpoint

Industry leaders trust Mathpix

EdTech industry leaders trust Mathpix

Anthropic logo
Gemini AI logo
Tencent logo
Facebook Research logo
Perplexity logo
Chegg logo


Digitize entire PDFs

PDFs are first converted into Mathpix Markdown, from which they can be exported to DOCX / MS Word, LaTeX, and PDF. Text, diagrams, equations, and tables, are extracted from the PDF.

Original PDF

Example PDF
271218 Created with Sketch.

Extracted Mathpix Markdown

Example equation
271218 Created with Sketch.

Rendered result

Example equation

Supported image types

Use Convert API to very accurately convert images of simple and complicated printed and handwritten math, text, tables, and chemical diagrams.

We can also recognize all the world's most spoken languages like English, Vietnamese, Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Thai, and more.

You can find more example requests and types of images that you can process with Convert API in the User Guide.

Use cases for Convert API

Solving and Search Apps

With a long tail of advanced math, handwriting, and foreign language features, Convert API is the #1 choice for solving, tutoring, and search apps like Mathway, Doubtnut, and Toppr.

Grading and Assessment Platforms

Grading and assessment platforms like Gradescope use Convert API in their platforms to make it faster and easier for professors to distribute and grade homework and exams with AI.

Publishing, Accessibility and LMS

Publishing companies use Convert API to create digital STEM educational material like online math textbooks. Accessible education companies like Benetech use Mathpix to make math and science educational materials accessible to all students.

Bulk digitization (on-prem available)

Our APIs are useful for bulk digitization of images or PDFs. We also offer an on-premise solution for bulk PDF processing for companies like London Stock Exchange, who need to securely process documents in their private cloud.

Ready to get started?

Pay As You Go plans require a credit or debit card payment on file.
ACH and bank transfers, POs, and other Enterprise payment options available on request.

Pay As You Go

Pay Monthly Based on Usage

Process image (v3/text)*
Process strokes (without live updates) (v3/strokes)
Process equation image (v3/latex)*
Process batch (v3/batch)*

*Note that each image with more than 12 rows of text shall count as one PDF page and will be priced at the PDF pricing rate.
Process PDF (v3/pdf)
Digital ink with live updates included (v3/strokes using stroke session ID)
$19.99 one-time setup fee
$29.99 is applied to your account for testing any of our endpoints
Visualization Dashboard
Pay only for what you use
Billing on 1st of each month for the previous month’s API usage


Special Pricing for Long-Term Contracts

Custom Pricing
Long-term contracts
24/7 support
Custom Recognition Features
On prem (PDF and document conversion processing)
Discounted prices for high volume
Deployment Options: Single-Tenant, Managed Cloud, and On-Premises